According to Peter Drucker, “The task of leadership is to create an alignment of strengths in ways that make weaknesses irrelevant.” When this is true, it is a case study about the importance of your organization’s being aligned.  Overcoming your own weaknesses through alignment means there is a better chance of seeing success in all metrics – including the bottom line.

An aligned organization starts with an aligned leadership team. So how do you as a leader create such a team? Think of the ways that you staff key areas of your company. You pay attention to that because those departments are responsible for important functions.

Leadership is no different.

“One thing we’ve talked a lot about, even in the first leadership meeting, was, what’s the purpose of our leadership team? The framework we came up with is the notion that our purpose is to bring clarity, alignment, and intensity. — Satya Nadella, Microsoft Corporation CEO

Here are some important things to remember to keep your team aligned and effective

  • Invest time with your leadership team to make sure your Core Beliefs, Values and Purpose are real and are guiding your leadership
  • Engage and listen to feedback on your direction; making adjustments as needed
  • Encourage your leaders to move in unison focused on common objectives and purpose
  • Process data through a filter of your organization’s core beliefs
  • Work on initiatives with 3-year and 1-year timelines – this will help everybody in the organization connect leadership activities to priorities and goals – aligning everybody in the process

When you think of the leadership team as a strategic group that performs an essential function, you will pay attention to the team’s processes, the ways the members work together, and the strategies they use to contribute to the organization’s goals.


Dan Keelan founded Lightning Strike Media in 2017. The company offers strategic marketing, custom publishing, and online learning services focused on growing organizations and entrepreneurs.

To find out more about working with Lightning Strike Media, contact Dan Keelan.